Minsk took 12th place in the world in terms of the number of participants in the action "Cycling to work in winter"

8 февраля во всем мире прошла акция «На работу на велосипеде зимой». Наша столица в рейтинге по количеству участников заняла 12-е место в мире, 5-е место среди европейских городов  и 1-е место среди городов  постсоветских стран. Всего в акции официально приняли участие 173 человека из Минска.

On February 8, the action "Cycling to work in winter" was held all over the world. Our capital in the ranking by the number of participants took 12th place in the world, 5th place among European cities and 1st place among cities of post-Soviet countries. In total, 173 people from Minsk officially took part in the action.

Other Belarusian cities are also included in the world top 200. Brest took 74th place (31 participants), Mogilev - 88th (25 participants), Gomel and Grodno - 191st (6 participants each).



Top 12

  1. Denver, United States (1405)
  2. Boulder, United States (1174)
  3. Zagreb, Croatia (520)
  4. Gdansk, Poland (287)
  5. Varazdin, Croatia (264)
  6. Winnipeg, Canada (241)
  7. Poznan, Poland (212)
  8. Montreal, Canada (209)
  9. Victoria, Canada (196)
  10. Calgary, Canada (195)
  11. Aurora, USA (193)
  12. Minsk, Belarus (173)

The winter action "Cycling to Work" was held in the world for the seventh time. In 2019, 9,936 people all over the world joined the event.

Акция «На работу на велосипеде зимой» в Минске организована Минским велосипедным обществом и Центром экологических решений в рамках кампании «Деловой велосипед»  проекта  «Городское велодвижение в Беларуси» при финансовой поддержке Европейского союза.

2019 год, February 14th

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