Fest excursion tours - fun excursions!


Shanoўny syabry! Unusual landmarks and excursionists, histories and architects, infusions and supratsounik museums, travel agencies, regional cultural centers! 20 - 21 beauties ў Belarus adbudzetsa chargovs "Fest excursion brewery", numbered and the International Day of Remembrance and Meatology, as an attorney for a sim light 18 beauties on the eighth year of UNESKA. This time, we have a lot of great shopping excursions!

Shanoўny syabry! Unusual landmarks and excursionists, histories and architects, infusions and supratsounik museums, travel agencies, regional cultural centers! 20 - 21 beauties ў Belarus adbudzetsa chargovs "Fest excursion brewery", numbered and the International Day of Remembrance and Meatology, as an attorney for a sim light 18 beauties on the eighth year of UNESKA. This time, we have a lot of great shopping excursions!

Padrabyazney pra fest is possible davyazza pa spasyltsy http://fest.icomos.by/p/blog-page_4203.html.

Alignment of roving excursions
Name of excursion Excursion Date, hour and month Dadatkovaya information
Pa meat of Chapskaga Raman Abramchuk 20.04, 11.30 On the flock of kalya casino "Belaya Vezha"  
Honored Toursstychnaya pradpromstvo "Zalennaya kamanda" www.greenteam.by
Vela-excursion factory - Vasil Gryn
20.04, 14.00
la Zamechka.
Navigation cardinats - N53 * 59.736 'E027 * 16.647'
An hour is 3 gadzins.
Praciaglasti - kalya 15 km.
Vyasnyanka Goosebump Gunn 21.04, 12.00 Vul. M. Bagdanovicha  


2013, April 17th

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