Working materials on the topic "Cycling" (download)


The publication will also be useful to everyone who loves the bike and wants to learn more about it.
In our time, the bicycle is considered one of the most common means of transport. Both adults and children use it at least once a year. The reasons for this popularity are clear: affordable price, no fuel costs, small dimensions of transport, health benefits and environmental friendliness of use. In addition, cycling is a great opportunity to spend time actively with family and friends.

In our time, the bicycle is considered one of the most common means of transport. Both adults and children use it at least once a year. The reasons for this popularity are clear: affordable price, no fuel costs, small dimensions of transport, health benefits and environmental friendliness of use. In addition, cycling is a great opportunity to spend time actively with family and friends.

The working materials were developed by the "VeloGrodno" public educational institution to help teachers of educational institutions to conduct information hours and extracurricular activities on the topic of cycling. The publication will also be useful to everyone who loves a bicycle and wants to learn more about it.

In nineteen sections, the history of the development of cycling, the rules of the road
movement, useful background information is given, including the addresses of cycling schools and cycling sections in Grodno. All themes are designed in such a way that you can use any of them without adhering to the sequence.

Download Working materials for the preparation and conduct of information hours in educational institutions on the topic "Cycling"

PRESENTATION on the topic "Cycling" for teaching children and adolescents. Includes several topics.

The working materials were developed by the VeloGrodno AEO within the framework of the initiative "In a team race towards a common goal" of the international technical assistance project "Prevention of noncommunicable diseases, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and support for the modernization of the healthcare system in the Republic of Belarus" ("BELMED"), funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA in partnership with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. The information provided reflects the views of the authors, which may not coincide with the official position of the United Nations Development Program and the European Union.

2019, May 29th

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